Monday 7 October 2013

First lightning shot: November 2006

My very first lightning shot. 
This here is my very first photograph of a lightning bolt. I shot it sometime in November 2006 in Elardus Park in Pretoria. I shot a number of other shots that came out terribly. It was very frustrating. At some point I wanted to give up but kept shooting. Eventually I managed to get this amazing shot and when I saw it on the screen of my camera, I couldn't contain my excitement. I didn't even bother waiting around for the rest of the storm. I just went straight to the computer and uploaded it. 

The first lightning shot, no matter how much better subsequent shots are, is always the most sentimental. I keep this one in my special archive where it will hopefully be forever a constant reminder of how far I've come.

When was your first lightning shot and how did it feel to capture this force of nature on camera for the first time?

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